Turning Acres
Into Assets
Without Orbis,
It’s Just Another Acre
Orbis helps asset managers and investors simplify the process of acquiring and managing large land holdings. From pre-sale due diligence and data management to property taxes and hunting leases, we streamline every step of land and natural resource management. All to help you fix time consuming processes, make smarter decisions and maximize the value of land assets.
for Land Asset
Serious land and natural resource investing is hard work. Building custom solutions for it requires critical experience managing and extracting value from assets that change constantly and are sometimes quite literally off the grid. Orbis helps you do this in a technology-enabled, trackable way. So, in the end, what you think you’re buying, selling or holding matches what’s really there.

You Need
to Make Assets
Work Harder
Orbis tackles land and natural resource management and investing end-to-end. Our solutions are designed to help you make better sense of your assets, and better use of everything involved in managing them. Big data. Due diligence for land sale transactions. Recreational licenses and access permits. Inventory. Land records for access and legal review. Property taxes. And so much more.