Are you a landowner aiming to generate passive income from your privately-owned land or an adventure seeker in search of locations for your recreational pursuits? My Outdoor Agent® was created with you in mind. Developed and managed by Orbis, Inc., My Outdoor Agent is a digital platform that connects landowners wanting to lease their properties with outdoor enthusiasts seeking distinctive recreational experiences.
Through this mobile app, landowners can showcase their available properties, including essential details like activities and amenities offered, lease dates, and terms. In turn, users can explore listings to find properties that grant access to a range of outdoor activities such as hunting, birding, fishing, camping, hiking, and more. Payments can also be securely processed directly through the app— a win-win for both parties.

For Landowners
Many private landowners only lease their land during peak seasons and for one specific recreational activity. My Outdoor Agent makes it easy for landowners to diversify their offerings for recreational lease and permit opportunities. Instead of standard annual lease terms, My Outdoor Agent allows for flexible dates such as day permits, weekend, or monthly. And instead of just one activity for lease, a variety of activities can be offered during different seasons. Additionally, the property listed will be viewable to adventure seekers nationwide, maximizing the potential for year-round revenue. Not only does the easy-to-use platform provides landowners with the power to set lease terms, you can also communicate back and forth with property users, and collect payment- all in one secure online space.

For Land Users
My Outdoor Agent opens up privately-owned land for recreational purposes. This means more opportunities for everyone to enjoy nature’s offerings through their chosen activity. The intuitive app allows users to effectively act as their own land agents by identifying and reserving land online. Users can narrow down their search to find available properties in specific areas that offer activities they’re looking for. Once the perfect spot is located, users can confirm reservations and conduct secure online transactions. Whether you’re in search of a campsite, a hunting area, or a tranquil setting for birdwatching, My Outdoor Agent serves as your comprehensive solution for all your land leasing needs.

Find Us Online
Access My Outdoor Agent by downloading the app on iOS or Android devices, or visit www.myoutdooragent.com for more information.

Let’s Work Together
Orbis helps you make better sense of your assets, and better use of everything involved in managing them. Request more information or book a consultation with us today.