From communication to entertainment to productivity to business, it’s most definitely a digital world – which means that getting on board and embracing technology is no longer the problem it once was.
There is a new problem, however, and it’s this:
How do you safeguard business-sensitive information without investing thousands of dollars in technology infrastructure?
Cloud-based solutions are a great start.
But perhaps you’re afraid of the cloud or don’t think you need it. If so, you may think (a) your data is adequately protected without it, or (b) your data isn’t the kind that cyber criminals are interested in.
Wrong. And wrong again.
Connecting, transmitting, storing, safeguarding, collaborating, accessing, protecting, optimizing, standardizing, consolidating – all these “ings” are absolutely critical when it comes to supporting commercial forestry operations.
Which means your data (and ultimately your operations and profitability) could be at risk.
What kind of risk? Well, let’s just that every year, billions of records of all types are breached at a cost of millions and millions of dollars – and that includes timberland investors.
Like any business, the timberland investments industry is also susceptible to breach. Every type of data, from names and addresses to legal documents and confidential financial data to classified information and proprietary research is at risk of being compromised.
Worse, once information is exposed or lost, there’s no going back. The data is out of your control.
Enter data security.
Data security is the means by which critical and non-critical information is kept accessible yet protected.
Remember, your data is a business asset.
Here are 5 effective ways to help ensure the integrity and security of your data, including business and legal records:
- Take charge of your data by knowing precisely what you have so problems and threats can be detected before something happens. It goes without saying that data should be regularly backed up so it’s easily accessible in the event of loss during a breach.
- Limit risk of exposure by adopting organization-wide data security standards.
- Align systems and processes to better safeguard business-sensitive data from human and other error.
- Keep data clean, up to date, and intact to help ensure both a competitive advantage as well as regulatory and legal compliance.
- Leverage cloud-based solutions to defend data integrity, improve operational efficiency, and accelerate profitability without the added expense of fortifying in-house technology infrastructure.
The volume and depth of your data will grow. Guaranteed. Start managing it today.
Post your thoughts and tell us what you think. Then get in touch with Orbis to discuss a data security assessment.

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Orbis helps you make better sense of your assets, and better use of everything involved in managing them. Request more information or book a consultation with us today.