Industries are constantly changing. Like all industry professionals, it is imperative for our team of GIS technology experts and educators to constantly pursue the latest intelligence on available technology. At Orbis, we are committed to a “life-long learning” philosophy that enhances effectiveness and quickly solving problems for our clients and partners. Therefore, we strive to put our time and energy into constantly encouraging internal continued education and development for our employees. Some of the ways we do this is by listening or watching webinars, bringing experts into the office and attending seminars and conferences that will ignite and enhance our team’s passion for their roles.
Most recently, Matt Byrd and Kim Eubanks, two of our GIS team professionals, had the opportunity to attend the ESRI User Conference in San Diego, California.
What is it
The ESRI User Conference is held every year to help ESRI, the world’s leading GIS software supplier, maintain open and ongoing conversation with their users. Since we use their ArcGIS software for many of our business practices at Orbis, our team members were able to participate in the conversation and benefit from the available learning experiences.
This year, the conference was titled “GIS – The Intelligent Nervous System.” The theme of the 2019 conference was meant to draw a connection between the responsive nature of the human nervous system and the growing capabilities of GIS technology. The creators of ESRI’s ArcGIS technology wanted to show the fact that GIS can bring together data from many sources, architecturally mirroring that of the human nervous system.
What happened
While at the conference, Matt and Kim attended socials, plenaries, lectures, demos and expositions relating to GIS technology. They learned how it can continue to be used in our industry, community and world. Furthermore, they focused on personal development and opportunities to continue to enhance our end users’ experiences.
Back at the office
Once back in the office, Matt and Kim were excited to share their new findings with the rest of our team. Through a lunch and learn, our entire GIS department listened while they reviewed their key takeaways from the conference. After Kim reviewed the new functionality and abilities from the latest software release, Matt took the opportunity to present on technology available to continue to enhance our internal operations.
Work in action
As industry leaders, providing the latest technology to our clients is one of our top priorities. Should you have any questions about the power of GIS technology, visit our website or Contact Us. One of our team members would be happy to help you!

Let’s Work Together
Orbis helps you make better sense of your assets, and better use of everything involved in managing them. Request more information or book a consultation with us today.