In today’s world, people want things quickly, and forestry is no exception. Property information and reports are required on a daily basis. Thus, the right information needs to get to the right people at the right time. Unfortunately, traditional ways of record keeping have not always made this easily possible. This is why we developed and offer our Forest Information Portal (FIP) as a data management tool.
At Orbis, we understand that some landowners have assets spread out across the country. Further, these landowners may have multiple offices that they are trying to juggle data and updated records for. With high volumes and various locations, each regional management team typically has different methods of record keeping and filing in place. Thus, miscommunications and things that just naturally fall through the cracks. FIP helps prevent these issues before they arise.
Our FIP software creates one space for all of your forest management needs in a central, cloud-based application. Designed for integration, this web-based application allows members of your organization to:
1. share information;
3. increase collaboration;
4. manage documents;
5. improve security and flexibility of workflows; and
6. fully simplifying your landownership.
To make this application most beneficial to the needs of your organization, FIP is made of nine modules that you can choose from to tailor the application to fit your business needs.
Forest Management
The forest management module is the bread and butter of FIP. It provides a spatial view with GIS tools that allow you to extract data quickly and run reports from a dynamic map. In addition to the spatial data, this module includes quick analytical features to help you further understand the property you are managing.
Forest Budget
The growing and cultivation of trees is a tool for teams to enter planned and completed silviculture activities, including harvesting, planting, spraying, fertilizing and other activities. This operational module allows teams to track operational expenses and revenues and can include anything from timber dale administration activities to surveying and road construction.
Inventory Management
This module provides corporate-level team members a quick overview of all operational activities. Users are able to update current inventory information and upload new cruises and timber sale information.
Document Management
The document management module is a beginning tool for accessing and searching all documents related to property management.
The reports module provides users with easy access to multiple reports in a single area.
Along with the modules discussed, FIP can also be used as a dashboard for other services offered by Orbis, including Atlas Land Records and our property tax management solution.
Managing large amounts of land can be strenuous, especially with so many files to keep track of. If you or your team is interested in introducing industry-changing technology to your company, please do not hesitate to reach out in our Contact Us form. We are always looking forward to hearing from you!

Let’s Work Together
Orbis helps you make better sense of your assets, and better use of everything involved in managing them. Request more information or book a consultation with us today.